Yerrakwerr (bush onion) Anengkerr (dreaming)
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Bush onion and other bush foods are loved. “We go hunting for them at different times. We have lots of different foods each with their own Anengkerr (dreaming).” Also know as Yalka (Warlpiri) and Cyperus bulborus (Latin).
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This is the delightful Daisy Penangk Frank our senior traditional owner for Inkwareny (honey ant). Check out her art at:

This is Loretta and her stunning art. She is an awesome bushwoman. Loretta has been working on the committee to setup Inkwareny Artists. She is an outstanding artist and we love her sense of humour. More of her paintings can be found at Inkwareny

Finally our first Clay workshop! Clay and pottery is so great. So much talent guided by Patsy and Claire Freer.

New Paintings by: Freda Pengart McNamara, Daisy Pengart Frank, Carissa Mpetyan Larry and Kathy Pengart Bagot. Available via

Introducing Leticia and Lorise, the lovely young people that have stepped up to work at Inkwareny Artists. It’s a joy to work with you.

After our fabulous Castlemaine exhibition we are inspired. Here is a small selection of what is coming.
Paintings by Alison Ngal Daniels, Martina Napangadi Wheeler, Kathy Pengart Bagot and Lisa Mpetyan Cooke.