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Daisy Pengart Frank

Daisy Pengart Frank is an important elder and painter for the Inkwareny Anengkerr (honey ant Dreaming).  Daisy lives in Yuelamu with a big family.

In the Dreamtime, the ancestors travelled from Inkwareny to Ilpereny (North Pine Hill station).  Anmatyerr, Alyawarr and Warlpiri people share this Inkwareny (honeyant) Dreaming connected to different significant places. “They came back to Yuelamu. From Yuelamu, they went to Yuendumu and past Yuendumu. They got wet and got to Wanukurru-parnta (the tree is named Wanukurru), and they returned to Yuelumu. They lived here. All of them were women”.

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